Humaniversity Student & Tourist Program: A New Way of Experiencing Yourself
The quickest way to learn a new language is to go to the place it is spoken and completely immerse yourself, trusting that you will find your way. I've found the same to be true for everything I have learned – from performing arts to farming to working with people: Instead of reading some books, or attend a class once a week, when I jump right in and live the experience, a whole other level of learning, growing and understanding kicks in.
When I did the Humaniversity Living-In Programs, I had the time and support to grow in areas that where challenging to me: to trust being vulnerable with people, learning to cook delicious meals for 100 people, creating deep friendships with someone half or double my age, or even just simply allowing myself to dress up in the most beautiful way I could imagine.
Humaniversity Student Program
In August, after the WOW, our Living-In Student Program, is starting up again. This is the foundation of our communal living and relating training, and it’s a great opportunity to check yourself and us out.
Akiva: Feeling More and Living Fully
My friend Akiva, who comes from an orthodox-Jewish background and participated in the Student Program for a year, shares his remarkable journey with you:
"I found myself looking for ways to get out of my over-rational mind and feel myself more, and I longed for deep and fulfilling friendships with both men and women. I knew I wanted to live a life of passion and intensity, not a life of numbness, being stuck in my head and feeling lonely.
I wanted a change.
Therefore, I postponed my final year of medical internship and signed up for three months of the Humaniversity Student Program. Not knowing exactly what I had signed up for, I was both curious and nervous. Despite my ‘not-completely-sure-I-trust-this’ attitude I threw myself into the program: I began practicing expressing and moving through my emotions, and as I did, I observed how layers of my numbness began to lift and I started to feel more and more alive..."
Humaniversity Tourist Program
From 10 - 23 September, you have the opportunity to join our 2-week compact Living-In Program called Tourist Program, lead by Rajan and Sangita. The Tourist Program is an adventure into your inner world that you embark on together with other fellow travelers. You have the opportunity to choose which issues you want to work with and which goals you want to achieve, while discovering new, hidden and beautiful sides of yourself and experience loving support and healing friendships.
If you have any questions about our Living-In Programs, please contact us.
love, Yasha
"The Tourist Program is an intensive self-awareness process where you will learn to look at issues in your life not as problems, but as facts that you can improve." -Veeresh