The Process of Change
To be able to support others and myself on this journey, I did some research and broke down the process of change into individual steps.
I hope to inspire you to pursue changes that you know you want to create but have not yet had the courage to fully engage in.
Of course, these are just highlights on the way to creating a happy life, not blueprints for a perfect job description.
- The first step is realizing that I am not happy with what I am experiencing. Something does not feel right in my heart. At this stage, I used to wait and deny the unpleasant feelings inside. Often I had to be in a real crisis to realize that I needed to do something in order to create a positive change.
- I need to accept and look at what is happening, even though it does not feel comfortable. I research; it may take a while until I am clear about all the facts contributing to my discomfort. Admitting making mistakes to myself has been a life-changing process for me. Reality does not have to be perfect all the time.
- Now I need to ask myself: “What would I rather experience? How would my ideal situation look like?” When I was asked: “What do you want? Who and how do you want to be?” I did not know what to say. I knew I wanted to be happy, but I did not know what that meant. Nor did I know how it looked practically.
- The next step is the Golden Key to creating desired change. It is taking responsibility and identifying my motivation and commitment to change. We have a saying here at the Humaniversity: “When I change my whole world changes!” In addition, I need to find out why I want to change. My motivation will drive my commitment to pursue what I want. Especially in hard times I need to feel that my light inside is stronger than my darkness.
- It does not matter how many times I fall down, but rather how many times I am ready to get up again. I need to trust myself. I am in this life to learn and grow. I will not give up. I want to feel good inside and live a happy life.
- PATIENCE… Slowly, bit by bit, I replace unwanted experiences with new more pleasurable ones. Along the way bigger changes manifest and eventually I am living my new desired reality.
- The journey is as important as the destination. It is essential to have friends, whom I can share myself with. I need friends who I love and enjoy spending time with. True friends nourish and support me by giving me honest feedback. They love me for who I am, not for what I do. And they are able to redirect me when I do not trust myself and need help.
Once again, bear in mind that learning something new takes time. So, please be patient and gentle with yourself.
Do you have time this summer? If you want to improve your life and are courageous enough, the best thing you can do is to join the month-long WOW.
During the WOW, we will be a big family of like-minded seekers, exploring all different aspect of what it means to be human. We will embark on a journey of the heart, of love.
The WOW is a guaranteed life-changing experience!
The only condition is that you do exactly what we ask you to do.